School of Philology and Translation

Azad Mammadov
Professor, Filologiya elmlər doktoru
Theoretical Linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics
+994 12 492 74 18
Azərbaycan Pedaqoji Xarici Dillər İnstitutu (1979 – 1984)
Azərbaycan Pedaqoji Xarici Dillər İnstitutu (1985 – 1989)
Moskva Dövlət Xarici Dillər İnstitutu (1990) Dissertasiya mövzusu “The construal role of English articles in text”, researched under supervision of Prof. L.A. Chernyakhovskaya
1) Дейктические особенности некоторых английских наречий в дискурсе.The Deictic peculiarities of some English adverbs in discourse Вестник Московского Государственного Лингвистического Университета, Вып.553,2009, The Journal of
Moscow State Linguistic University, Issue 553, 2009
2) The issue of plurilingualism and language policy in Azerbaijan. In. Sociolinguistics in Azerbaijan: New Perspectives of Language and Society(ed. J.Garibova and K. Zuercher), International journal of the Sociology of Language. 198. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2009
3) Metaphors in the American and Russian political discourse. RASK Journal, 4, Institute of Language and Communication, the University of Southern Denmark, 2010
4) Diskurs təhlilinin koqnitiv perspektivləri. The cognitive perspectives of discourse analysis. Çaşıoğlu, Bakı, 2010, Baku: Chashioglu, 2010
5) Discourse and translation: functional-cognitive approach. Letterpress, Baku, 2012
6) Perspectives of conceptualization in political discourse. International Conference Cognitive linguistics in 2012 , University of Wroclaw, 2012
7) Political discourse between global and local knowledge. SALC IV, Joensuu, University of Eastern Finland, 2013, (co-author M. Mammadov)
8) Deictic representations of person in media discourse. International Conference on Grammar and Text, University of New Lisbon, 2013
9) The role of figurative language in political discourse Article In: From Conceptual Metaphor Theory to Cognitive Ethnolinguistics. Patterns of Imagery in Language, Series: Studies in Language, Culture and Society, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2014
10) Diskurs tədqiqi. BDU, Bakı, 2013. Baku State, University press, 2013, First edition
11) Rhetoric parameters of conceptualization across languages and genre. 5th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Lancaster University, 2014
12) Deictic representation of person in media discourse. Papers in Pragmatics, Berlin-New-York: De Gruyter, 2014
13) Subjectivity of discourse and translation: functional-cognitive approach. Asia-Pacific Forum on Intercultural and Translation Studies, Durham University, Octiber, 2015
14) Diskurs tədqiqi. Discourse studies. Text-book BDU, Bakı, 2016 Baku State, University press, 2016, Second edition
15) Дискурсивные исследования. Опыт Анализа. Lambert Academic Publishing, 2016
16) Subjectivity of discourse and translation: functional-cognitive approach. Asia-Pacific Intercultural and Translation Studies Journal, London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
17) Məqalə. İnformation structure of text and translation revisited,Tərcümə elm və incəsənət kimi məqalələr toplusu,Qərb Universiteti,Bakı 2017
18)Tezis . Contextualizing and conceptualizing time, space and person in political discourse Book of Abstracts. 8th Lodz Symposium“New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics”, 15-17 May 2017, Lodr University
19)Tezis . Changing role of English in the contemporary world. 22nd International Conference: IAWE Local and Global Contexts of World Englishes June 30-July 2, 2017, University of Suracuse.
20)Dərslik.Studies in Text and Discourse,Newcastle-upon-Tyne:Cambridge Scholars Publishing,2017
21)Tezis . The translator in the discourse of European integration 1st World Translation Studies Congress, University of Western Paris, Nauterre, La Defence, 2017